This blog is back!?

After an 8 year break, there is a post on this old blog again! The blog was offline for a few years as well, but it is back now.

There was never much to read on this blog, but I hope to change that. I intend to post here every now and then about releases of Virtual Paradise, development progress and perhaps other things too.

Commenting on this blog

All posts from this blog can now be commented on from the Virtual Paradise forums. Each post will automatically get a new topic on the forum.

The forum for this blog can be found here: Forum for Edwin’s Blog

Edit (May 4 2010): I decided to change the comment system to IntenseDebate anyway, it seems to work better.
Edit (May 5 2010): Since IntenseDebate was making pages load incredibly slow I moved to Disqus now, let’s see how this works.